Thursday, 28 November 2013

Keeping Busy.....

I have been keeping very busy down here. Not a lot of time for my crafting as too much else going on but I have managed to finish a few projects which are awaiting a little sewing in of ends....

Another Aphrodite shawl, amazing how different yarn gives it a completely different effect.  Will post better pictures when I tie in all those ends. :-) Sneaky peak this time.....

This has been a work in progress, a blessing journal for someone I have never met in person. I hope she likes it. I had a little trouble with sewing the cover as I forgot to leave a flap seam allowance so the cover is a bit snug.  I sewed on the angel motif that I crocheted by hand. It was suggested I glue it but I could not bring myself to do that. Eeeek. And I have added the necklace I made a little while ago to tie it together.  I have also created a double page arty type spread and might do one more to get the blessings started for my recipient, can't show you that as its personal to the lady I made it for.

Hope all is well in your part of the world. Love and Light to you my friends. xoxox


  1. Cute feather and fan hat. The hooked stitches look velvety in that shawl. The journal is unique.

  2. That journal is just awesome! What a beautiful way to decorate the front.

  3. The hat looks really cute! I also love the colours in your shawl and I cant wait to see a proper peek at it :)

    I have never seen a blessing journal before but that one looks beautiful with the angel on the front.

  4. Everything looks just lovely, I love the shawl and its colour.

    Lluisa xx

    1. Thanks lovely, I have visited you also and love your blog. <3

  5. Happy New Year!
    Hope you had lovely Christmas you must be really busy I haven't seen you in blog land for a while!
    I love the colours of your shawl your journal is beautiful I love the angel on the cover!
    Hope your well here's to another crafty new year in blog land !
